This block is for special content that you want to stand out.
This block is for special content that you want to stand out.
On January 20, 2025, in the early dark of a frigid morning, the two of us attended
the 2nd annual DuPage Foundation Martin Luther King Jr breakfast celebration at Drury Lane
in Oak Brook. The event was sold out at 1400 people. The crowd included representatives
from municipalities, agencies, organizations, faith traditions, and honorees from all over
DuPage County, gathered in unity of purpose to promote equity and equality among all
citizens in this area. The program was inspiring! Many people are enthusiastically engaged
in working to overcome injustices and make this County a better place for all.
As always, we moved from that event to the annual Peoples Community Church observance, a
panel discussion featuring representatives from local agencies working to expand Dr.
King's dream in/around the Glen Ellyn area. We assisted with the program, deepened ties
with people we've come to know there, and worked to become better known in the circle of
folks doing this work. We left with souls replete, in the knowledge that we aren't alone;
many others are engaged in the process, and the more we connect, the greater the chances
of success.
We Baha'is should be leading the way in the work of eliminating racism, and this holiday
is a ready-made opportunity to join the elevated conversations of like-minded groups, as
the Universal House of Justice has encouraged us to do. I propose that next year the
Baha'i Community in DuPage County work to take a part in this eventful day! Let's
Thanks, Nancy 630-341-9334
Naw-Rúz Party
Please join Fuad & Mahin for the 2025 Naw-Rúz celebration with food, fellowship &
Date: Sunday March 23 Time: 12:00 - 4:00 pm
Where: Eola Community Center 555
S. Eola Rd. Aurora, IL. 60504
RSVP by March 12, 2025 Reply to Val email:
text: 630.476.1437
View the Flyer
⋅ Interfaith Devotion
Saturday March 8, 6-8 pm
Held at the Shahrokh residence.
Please text (630) 805-1397 for the address.
⋅ The DuPage County River Sweep
Date: Saturday, April 19th 9am-12. All are welcome to join as we clean the river
of trash, and invasive species. RSVP is required. To rsvp and/or receive
more information please email:
⋅ Donuts and Devotions
Every Sunday 10-11am.
Donuts and Devotions in Naperville will be held every other Sunday at 10am at
Ahmadiyeh Home
For directions call us and signup on SignUpGenius
⋅ Neighbors Praying for Peace
Date: Saturday March 15, 2025
Location: 2N500 Bernice Ave
Glen Ellyn, IL 60137
Bring your Prayers for Peace, your voice (or musical
instruments as there has been singing/music on occasion) and your fellowship.
This block is for special content that you
From the Area Teaching Committee
want to stand out.
Oak Park
This block is for special content that you want to stand out.
⋅Meaningful Discussions
Join in on studying sections from the Baha'i writings to provide a spiritual
perspective on challenges that are relevant to the community today.
Sunday mornings at 11AM at the Oak Park Baha'i Faith Community Center
Madison, Oak Park IL
⋅ Hour of Prayer
Held every Sunday at 10AM at the Baha'i Faith Community Center
124 Madison,
Oak Park and over Zoom. Go to this website for details and links for Zoom.
⋅Thursday Night Devotionals
Thursdays from 7:30pm-8:30 pm
Hosted by Karen Skaggs via Google Meet
Please message (815-546-6607) or
for link.
⋅Blended Sunday morning devotionals
Sundays at 9:00 am Please join us on zoom or in person. Hosted by Jim &
Cheryl Dougherty 1848 Corregidor St Joliet, IL 60435 815-600-1335
⋅Monthly Meditation
First Wednesday 7pm-8:30pm
Please join us at the Welcome Center of the Baha'i
House of Worship (112 Linden Ave, Wilmette, IL) as we explore meditation from the
Baha'i perspective.
⋅Fireside Friday nights 6pm to 7:30pm
Held at the Bahá’í House of Worship Welcome Center 112 Linden Ave, Wilmette,
⋅Devotionals at the Temple
Sundays 12:30pm to 1:00pm
Please join us at the Bahá’í House of Worship for a devotional followed by
discussion on a theme 1pm to 1:30pm
⋅Men's Breakfast
Come and enjoy some flapjacks & Mancakes, wash it down with a gallon of hot
steaming java, and top that off with an ice cold cup of OJ. Now that's a
2nd Saturday @ 8am
Egg House
24 E Miner St
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
⋅First Friday Conversations
First Friday, 6:00pm-8:30pm at the McKee residence. For the address
contact NancyMcKee
Zoom Link:
If you feel ready to engage in meaningful conversations about racism, what it looks
like in the world and in ourselves, and what we must do to begin rooting it out,
this is the place to come.
We will be serving pizza, followed by discussion
on a topic related to Racism/Social Justice. The doors open at 6:00 with the
meeting starting at 7:00 pm. Zoom will be active at 6:45 for those who wish to stay
home or are to far away to join us in person.
Our goal is building a stronger
community through sharing and conversation.
Pizza Served at 6:00 pm Meeting
Start time: 7:00 pm
Please send in any events, narratives, pictures, or arts that you would like shared! You
can reach us at
Northern Illinois Baha'is
2N500 Bernice Ave. Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 United States of America